ALMOST HOME! by David Ben-Ariel (June 1996) Thank God Benjamin Netanyahu won! It's been referred to as a POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE and has definitely shaken up the liberals! The immediate future will determine whether Netanyahu will be able to withstand the challenges to Israel's sovereignty, restore the Temple Mount to Jewish hands, and strengthen Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital - especially since all have been weakened by the defeated leftists. Unfortunately, to the chagrin and grief of the religious who voted him in, it already appears as if Netanyahu will continue Israel's suicidal policy of appeasement. Don't be surprised if that vulture Peres has already entered into secret negotiations with Europe to get installed in a "New Jerusalem" (Daniel 11:30-32). He would sell out Israel to further his socialist fantasy, like the Catholics are willing to destroy the body to save the soul (Daniel 11:14). May we obey GOD'S WILL to encourage and pray for "Bibi" Netanyahu and his new administration to "Go by the Book" (I Timothy 2:1-3; Deuteronomy 17:18-20; Malachi 4:4). He desperately needs our prayers to be strong and align his government with God - not with the hypocritical international community! Back Again! The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord (Job 1:21). In May, while waiting for a promised call concerning a job prospect in America, my former boss unexpectedly called me from Jerusalem! He wanted me to come back and work for him - even offering to pay my way knowing I'd work it off. After prayerfully seeking counsel from God and men, I later told him if the offer still stood I'd be happy to be his "indentured servant." (One of my Irish ancestors had been an indentured servant). Added to his generous and unusual offer were other positive indications that it was now time to return to Zion (Psalms 102:13). To save every precious dollar, I took a bus from Toledo to Chicago, flew to Toronto, and then on to Tel Aviv. (My travel agent wants to read my book, Beyond Babylon - Europe's Rise and Fall). Even though it was my 12th time to Israel, I still felt the child-like excitement of seeing the Tel Aviv coastline from the air, and was so thrilled to be "almost home" (Psalms 126). How disappointed I was to then be DENIED ENTRY! The American Embassy said (for whatever reason) Israel hadn't classified my deportation as a deportation, to my advantage, but had chosen to BLACKLIST me. (I'm still working with my Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to have the American Consulate in Jerusalem protest my unjust deportation that occurred last February. Until now, they've been content to "look the other way" and PRETEND it wasn't political or religious persecution - to their shame). The Israeli representative of the Ministry of the Interior said I had to request a special visa and/or permission from the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. to enter Israel. When I said nobody had informed me of that requirement, he coldly said, "We didn't have to." I spent the night in a locked room at the airport with two others - an Italian and a Japanese guy. The various policemen and women became quite interested in me when they heard me speak Hebrew, state I'm a member of the Temple Mount Faithful (which is why I've been blacklisted), and amused when I encouraged them to vote for Netanyahu and throw Peres out! I had arrived on the eve of the elections and was on a return flight early in the morning. Father Knows Best While laying there in my holding cell, I couldn't believe what I was going through - again! Satan's every taunt went through my wearied mind and I just wanted to "die." IT WAS SO CRUEL TO BE SO CLOSE AND YET SO FAR AWAY from my beloved Jerusalem and friends! (The airport's only 45 minutes north of Jerusalem). I wasn't even allowed to call any of my friends or leave the few gifts I had schlepped. I felt forgotten and forsake by God and didn't even want to hear anything about "blessings in disguise." I felt God wanted to see if I would curse Him - which I did not. But I also didn't feel like rejoicing over my persecution! (Matthew 5:10-12; I Peter 1:6; James 5:10-11). Actually, I felt like cursing some of the police until I regained control with the thought: "DON'T GIVE IN TO HATE. LET LOVE WIN." God finally began to bring scriptures to my mind, like "blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me" (Luke 7:23). I didn't know what God was up to, but past experience reassured me that God knows what He's doing and Father knows best. It's presumptuous if we demand God immediately explain Himself to us. God doesn't owe anybody an explanation! God has the greatest advantage and perspective because He knows the end from the beginning. All we need is faith and patience. A Battering Ram I've since written the Israeli Embassy, as instructed. I first waited until their new ambassador, Eliyahu Ben-Ellisar, took up his post. At least it will testify to Israel's new administration, just as surely as God used me to witness to their former government. It also reveals my resolve and determination to return to Zion, and my undying love for Israel! I WON'T REST MY CASE UNTIL JERUSALEM FULFILLS ITS CALLING (Isaiah 62:6-7). I called Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, after arriving back in the States and informed him of what had transpired. He was sad they refused me entry, but confident GOD WILL PROVIDE A WAY because I'm "righteous." He said, "We love and pray for you, and know your heart is with us in Jerusalem." He also felt this new government could "open the gates" before me. I've also been able to visit him here in Ohio during a lecture tour he was on in November. It turns out he knows Israel's new ambassador and will personally write a letter to him on my behalf. Praise God! Meanwhile, we must grow where we're planted. I'll do all I can to repay my former boss and save for my upcoming trip. It'll soon be made official - by God and the Israeli government! That's why the dragon's furious! He doesn't want us to warn Judah he's about to devour them! But Satan can't stop what God has begun (Nehemiah 2:10; 6:15-16). We must warn the world that a GERMAN-LED EUROPE is destined to defeat the American, British and Jewish peoples - with our complicity! It'll be a rude awakening when the air raid sirens sound! Wouldn't it be better to return to our God and senses, rather than to GERMAN TYRANNY and concentration camps? God's made me hard-headed enough - like a BATTERING RAM - not to quit (Ezekiel 3:8-9). Please continue to pray that "customs" will be cleared and this impasse broken. God's Message will go forth! (Isaiah 45:2; 57:14).